Ambassador Designate Dr. Markus Lang

Ambassador Dr. Markus Lang, © Markus Lang
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Markus Lang, Ambassador Designate of the Federal Republic of Germany to Laos
Born on 19 January 1961 in Constance,
married to Dr. Kathrin Misera-Lang,
three children
August 2024 | Ambassador Designate, German Embassy Vientiane, Laos |
2021-2024 | Representative for Strategic Projects, Germany Trade and Invest, Berlin |
2017-2021 | Consul General, Montreal within a job-sharing model with Dr. Kathrin Misera-Lang |
2013-2017 | Head of Section, Foreign Office, Berlin |
2011-2013 | Legal Advisor, Foreign Office, Berlin |
2010-2011 | Political Advisor, Federal Ministry of Defence, Berlin |
2006-2010 | Head of Economic and Trade Department, German Embassy Ankara |
2003-2006 | Deputy Head of Section, Foreign Office, Berlin |
2000-2003 | Counsellor, German Embassy Singapore |
1996-2000 | Desk Officer, Foreign Office, Bonn/Berlin |
1994-1996 | First Secretary, German Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations, Vienna |
1991-1994 | Attaché/Desk Officer, Foreign Office, Bonn |
1990 | Ph. D. in Law, University of Constance |
1981-1987 | Legal Studies, University of Constance, 2nd State Examination in Law |