Small Scale Projects

Kleinstprojekte / Small Scale Projects, © German Embassy Vientiane

The German Government provides direct assistance and quick relief for the least privileged parts of society through the small scale project programme.
Small scale projects – sometimes referred to as micro projects – have become a constant in Germany’s bilateral development cooperation with many countries. Funded by the German Federal Foreign Office these projects stand out with a short planning period and a quick and smooth implementation.
The projects address the basic and urgent needs of the underprivileged, alongside the SDG – the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and aim at achieving improved living conditions beyond the duration of the project. The areas of activity are manifold: healthcare and sanitary equipment, income generation through education and vocational training, water supply, energy supply, food security, reconstructions after a natural disaster etc.
To submit your application please write to:
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
P.O.Box 314
Vientiane, Laos
Physical address:
26 Sokpaluang Road, Sisattanak District, Vientiane, Laos
In case of any further queries please contact: Tel. +856 21 3121-10
Detailed information: Financial support for micro-projects
As a part of the technical cooperation between Germany and Laos, the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany has established a fund for micro-project support, which is administered by the German Embassy. Each year, the Embassy selects several projects for financial support where no funds from government institutions, other co-operating partners or civil society organizations are available. Projects must be sustainable and directly benefit communities in the fight against poverty. Also, they must not be related to any other existing project within the German-Lao Bilateral Cooperation (no double-funding).
If your community group, non-profit organization, church group or similar is planning to engage in community-orientated developmental activities on a small scale, you are invited to submit your application for financial support in implementing a micro-project according to the following Guidelines:
1. Please submit your application using the detailed application form provided by the Embassy, which has to be signed by two responsible representatives of your organization. Applications must include:
- finance plan for your project in Lao KIP and quotations for all goods and services
- proposed schedule for the individual stages of your project
- two current reference letters from reputable institutions
- copy of certificate of registration of your organization
- copy of the national identity card and all contact details of the two signatories
- for all projects involving construction works: copy of the land title deed and planning per-mission if already granted
2. Applications for 2023 will be accepted from 15 November 2022 until 30 January 2023. Applications received at other times will not be part of the yearly selection process, so please ensure timely submission of your application.
3. The fund is aimed at sustainable, community self-help projects with a strong involvement by the implementing organization applying for the funds. Therefore, please make sure to quantify your own contribution (cash, labor, providing premises, etc.) to the total expenditure of the project.
4. Projects must be implemented and concluded within the same calendar year, including your formal proof of use of funds and concluding report. When planning your project and drafting a schedule, please keep in mind that funds will often not be available before April.
5. The maximum grant is the Lao KIP equivalent of Euro 15.000,- per application. However, please note that most projects are in the region of 8.000 Euro.
6. There is no funding of unskilled labor, staff or administration expenses or other running costs (i.e. the organization's overheads). The fund cannot be used for land purchases or ongoing rent payments, micro-credit schemes, food, transport (incl. fuel), lodging or sitting allowances. There is no funding of projects serving private interests of individuals or small groups. It is not possible to fund projects that have already commenced (i.e. reimbursement of costs already incurred).
7. Sustainability is a key criterion in the selection process. The applicant must be in a position to cover all follow-up costs, e.g. maintenance of purchased machinery, electricity bills, staff costs, rent, consumables etc.
Exception: Please note that projects which require consumable supplies for a successful initial implementation, for example Income Generating Activities like sewing circles, poultry rearing, workshop construction etc. are welcome to apply for a start-up supply in project-related consumables, but will have to cover the costs for further supplies themselves.
8. As far as possible the materials and goods purchased for the project have to be bought in Laos.